Transforming a 55,000 sq.ft. Space into an IGBC Platinum-Certified R&D Facility: Our Journey


In the dynamic world of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, innovation is the key to staying ahead. Our leading client, a pioneer in the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) business, recognized the need for a cutting-edge research and development facility to continue their path of innovation and excellence. With a clear vision and unwavering determination, we embarked on a transformative journey to create a state-of-the-art R&D facility.

Experience the Journey: From Vision to Reality

To truly appreciate the magnitude of this transformation, we invite you to watch our video journey. Witness the progression from the initial concept to the final, state-of-the-art facility. See how every challenge was met with ingenuity and every milestone was celebrated as a step towards realizing a grand vision.

The Beginning

The journey began with a vast 55,000 sq.ft. land area, featuring an existing structural building. While the structure provided a solid foundation, transforming it into a high-tech R&D facility required meticulous planning, advanced engineering, and a deep understanding of our client’s needs and goals.

Designing the Dream

Our team of architects, engineers, and project managers worked closely with the client to design a facility that was not only functional but also inspirational. The design phase focused on creating spaces that fostered innovation, collaboration, and efficiency. Key elements included:

  • Advanced Laboratories: Equipped with the latest technology and equipment to support cutting-edge research.
  • Collaboration Spaces: Designed to encourage teamwork and the exchange of ideas.
  • Sustainable Design: Incorporating green building practices to achieve IGBC Platinum certification.

Building with Excellence

Construction began with a clear focus on quality, safety, and sustainability. Every aspect of the building process was meticulously managed to ensure that the highest standards were met. From the installation of specialized laboratory equipment to the integration of advanced HVAC systems, no detail was overlooked.

Achieving IGBC Platinum Certification

One of the proudest milestones of this project was achieving the IGBC Platinum certification. This prestigious certification is a testament to our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Key features that contributed to this certification include:

  • Energy Efficiency: Advanced systems for lighting, heating, and cooling that reduce energy consumption.
  • Water Conservation: Innovative solutions for water recycling and rainwater harvesting.
  • Indoor Environmental Quality: Ensuring a healthy and productive environment for all occupants.

The Result: A State-of-the-Art R&D Facility

The transformation of the 55,000 sq.ft. space into a state-of-the-art R&D facility is a testament to what can be achieved with vision, collaboration, and dedication. The facility now stands as a beacon of innovation in the API industry, equipped to support groundbreaking research and development for years to come.


The creation of this R&D facility is more than just a project completion; it is a significant leap forward in the realm of pharmaceutical research and development. We are proud to have partnered with our client in this remarkable journey and look forward to witnessing the innovative breakthroughs that will emerge from this state-of-the-art facility.

Kewaunee, the global leader in total laboratory solutions, empowers organisations to achieve competitive advantage through safe, efficient, and contemporary laboratories. In existence since 1906, Kewaunee powers the laboratories for over 5,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

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